Are you looking for upcoming events for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs)? Select a month below to discover HSP events near you or online.

HSP Events in August

HSP Events in September

  • September 2: Live Café spend 80 minutes “alone together” alongside other members and focus on what matters most. It’s the perfect opportunity to catch up with those important (but non-urgent) activities.
  • September 6: Anxiety Tool School Part II – a 90-minute masterclass sharing tools for preventing overwhelm and anxiety. The class is by Alane Freund and is part of the Are You Highly Sensitive (AYHS) community.
  • September 7: Sensitivity Circle: Wise Women & Wonder (55+) – a circle of sage, sensitive women growing through shared wisdom. The group meets monthly, and Alane Freund, LMFT, is the host.
  • September 9: Live Café in the Haven – an 80-minute session inside The Haven community where you receive space for gentle accountability to focus on what you’ve been putting off.
  • September 12: Built to Move Book Club – Scheduled to take place on alternate Thursdays, the Book Club reads and discusses Built to Move, the phenomenal book by Kelly and Juliet Starrett.
  • September 14: Highly Sensitive Person Day Retreat – A transformative day for Highly Sensitive People searching for community and like-minded others. Feel safe, empowered and confident to express your authentic self.
  • September 15 – Sensitive and Strong (HSP Support Group)A 1-hour small, online, cross-generational group for support, coaching, education, and community.

HSP Events in October

  • October 4 HSPs and Horses (TM): Highly Sensitive People Retreat – Starting Friday at 4.00 pm, join Highly Sensitive Horses gifted at helping HSPs find their authentic path. Come and heal your heart, embrace your sensitivity, and join an intimate community of your people.

Past Events

  • August 3: Wise Women and Wonder Sensitivity Circle – a monthly online event for Highly Sensitive Women over 55 years. The event happens every first Saturday of the month inside the Are You Highly Sensitive (AYHS) community and is hosted by Alane Freund, LMFT. AYHS members attend free, while guest attendees pay between $60 – $170.
  • August 17: Sensitive Sisters Circle – an online event for Highly Sensitive Women of all ages hosted by Alane Freund, LMFT. The circle meets every third Saturday of the month and prices start at $60.
  • August 30 – September 1: HSPs and Horses™: Highly Sensitive People Retreat – Facilitated by Alane Freund and Marilee Donovan, both Equine Specialists, this retreat is a 3-day in-person event to connect and learn with the help of horses.July 1: Highly Sensitive Person Café – Facilitated by Cate Allison, a fellow HSP, this is a free 2-hour in-person event for Highly Sensitive People in the UK. The meetup hopes to provide a sanctuary for those who feel deeply in a world that sometimes moves too fast.
  • July 5: Designing a Life Beyond Decision Fatigue – a live masterclass hosted by Alane Freund, LMFT, sharing tools for simplifying the overwhelm, banishing perfectionism and combating decision fatigue.
  • July 6: Wise Women and Wonder Sensitivity Circle – a monthly online event for Highly Sensitive Women over 55 years. The event happens every first Saturday of the month inside the Are You Highly Sensitive (AYHS) community and is hosted by Alane Freund, LMFT. AYHS members attend free, while guest attendees pay between $60 – $170.
  • July 9 – 11: Raising Highly Sensitive Kids Summit – a 3-day virtual event for moms of Highly Sensitive Children (HSCs) featuring presentations from over 20 speakers.
  • July 14: Working with Sensitivity: Temperament, Treatment, and Alignment with Adults and Youth who are Highly Sensitive. – a 2-hour live training by Alane Freund, LMFT, ICHS. Following the recent conference on Sensitivity Research, Alane is hosting a live lecture to help participants achieve the following:
    • Identify Sensory Processing Sensitivity in clients/patients using the research-based assessment.
    • Describe three characteristics of Highly Sensitive People and Youth.
    • Understand effective therapeutic interventions with Highly Sensitive clients.
    • Implement three techniques for more effective alignment with Highly Sensitive clients.
  • July 19: Parenting & Discipline: Connection is the Solution – a live masterclass with Alane Freund. Every month in the Are You Highly Sensitive (AYHS) membership community, Alane hosts a parenting class to share insights and strategies. Members attend free while non-members pay between $50 – $150.
  • June 22: Altered States of Consciousness: Integrating Highly Sensitive Traits in an Overwhelming World. The Philosophical Research Society (PRS) invites you to a 2-hour in-person workshop examining Highly Sensitive traits and ways to integrate them through altered states of consciousness. This is an in-person event in Los Angeles, California.

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