This page contains a list of all Highly Sensitive Person resources we’ve shared here on the blog.
It’s for anyone who doesn’t have enough time to sift through all the articles to find the resources they seek.
So if this describes you, browse our complete list of Highly Sensitive Person resources below. We have put them in categories to ease your search.
127+ Highly Sensitive Person Resources

HSP Books
Best Books for the Highly Sensitive Person
- The Highly Sensitive Person – by Elaine N. Aron, PhD
- Sensitive – by Jenn Granneman & Andre Solo
- The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person – by Julie Bjelland
- The Power of Sensitivity – by Ted Zeff, PhD
- The Brain of the Highly Sensitive Person, by Esther Bergsma
- Sensitive is the New Strong – by Anita Moorjani
- The Orchid and the Dandelion – by W. Thomas Boyce, MD
- The Highly Sensitive Parent – by Elaine N. Aron, PhD
- Psychotherapy and The Highly Sensitive Person – by Elaine N. Aron, PhD
- The Highly Sensitive Person’s Guide to Dealing with Toxic People – by Shahida Arabi, MA.
- Different: The Highly Sensitive Leadership Revolution by Heather Dominick
Best Books for the Highly Sensitive Man
- The Highly Sensitive Man – by Tom Falkenstein
- The Strong Sensitive Boy – by Ted Zeff, PhD
- Empowering the Sensitive Male Soul – by Tracy Cooper, PhD
- On Being a Sensitive Man – by William Allen
- Confessions of a Sensitive Man – by William Allen
Books for the Highly Sensitive Person at Work
- Making Work Work for the Highly Sensitive Person – by Barrie Jaeger, PhD
- Thrive! The Highly Sensitive Person and Career – by Tracy Cooper, PhD
Books for the Highly Sensitive Empath
- The Empath’s Survival Guide – by Judith Orloff, MD
Best Books for the Highly Sensitive Person in Love
1. The Highly Sensitive Person in Love – by Elaine N. Aron, PhD
Best Books for the Highly Sensitive Child
- The Highly Sensitive Child – by Elaine N. Aron, PhD
- The Strong Sensitive Boy – by Ted Zeff, PhD
- Arya & Everyone Else’s Feelings by Kelsea Fox Bennett Boyd
- Understanding the Highly Sensitive Child by James Williams
- Annie’s World by Lucy Skye and James Williams
- The Empathic Parent’s Guide to Raising a Highly Sensitive Child by Freeda Meighan
- Positive Parenting Solutions to Raise Highly Sensitive Children by Jonathan Baurer
- My Great Big Feelings: A Story for Sensitive Children by C.M. Tolentino
- Willow the Highly Sensitive Pup by Mandy Mayock & Tammie Lyon
- Little Spot of Feelings Book Set by Diana Alber
- Me and My Feelings by Vanessa Green Allen
- Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy
- Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child by Julie B. Rosenshein
- The Boy with Big, Big Feelings by Britney Winn Lee
- Empath Children by Judy Dyer
- Little Bike Running in My Head by Corinne Conaesch
- I Don’t Like Birthday Parties by Maureen Gaspari
- 101 Ways to Help Your Highly Sensitive Child Empty their Bucket by Amanda Van Mulligan
HSP Blogs/Websites
Best Blogs and Websites for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
- The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine N. Aron
- Highly Sensitive Refuge by Jenn Granneman and Andre Solo
- The HSP Blog by Julie Bjelland
- Are You a Highly Sensitive Person by Alane Freund
- HSP Journey by Lauren Hunter
- Singularly Sensitive by Lori L. Cangilla
- Sensitive Evolution by Maria Hill
- Highly Sensitive Humans by Jules De Vitto
- Expansive Heart by April Snow
- Sensitive Strengths, also by April Snow
- HiSensitives by Ann-Kathrin and Riny
- Sensitive and Soulful by Alissa Boyer
- HSP Tools (by yours truly)
- Sensitivity Research by a Research Team including Prof. Michael Pluess
- The Sensitive Man by Willam Allen
- Dr. Tracy Cooper.Org by Tracy Cooper, Ph.D
- The Highly Sensitive Person Publishing Company by Cliff Harwin
HSP Communities
Best Communities for the Highly Sensitive Person
- The Sensitive Empowerment Community – by Julie Bjelland, LMFT
- Are You Highly Sensitive (AYHS) Membership Program – by Alane Freund, LMFT
- The Haven Community – by Andy Mort, HSP Slow Coach
- The Sensitive & Strong Community Cafe – by Cheri Gregory, HSP Coach
Facebook Communities for the Highly Sensitive Person
- Highly Sensitive People
- Highly Sensitive Refuge
- Highly Sensitive People Support Group
- Supporting the Highly Sensitive Child
- Highly Sensitive Parents
- Services for Highly Sensitive People
- Natural Health for the Highly Sensitive Person
- Highly Sensitive Business Leaders
HSP Courses
Best Courses for the Highly Sensitive Person
- Brain Training for the Highly Sensitive Person – 8-Week online training program by Julie Bjelland, LMFT
- Blooming Brilliantly – an 8-week program on setting boundaries and being your best HSP self, by Julie Bjelland.
- How to Grow a Heart-Centered Online Business – a business course for HSPs by Julie Bjelland.
- The Highly Sensitive Leadership Training Program for Entrepreneurs – by Heather Dominic
- The HSP Toolbox: Holistic Tools to Calm a Sensitive Nervous System – by Julie Bjelland, LMFT
- The HSP Business School – a 6-month group program by Rose Cox
Best HSP Coaching Courses
- Coaching Highly Sensitive People – 3-Month professional training by Jules De Vitto
- HSP Certification Training Program – a 10-hour self-paced course by Nickerson Institute
- Train to become a High Sensory Coach – online course for HSP Coaches.
- Highly Sensitive Child Practitioner Training – a 3-month online course to coach HSCs.
HSP Journals
Best Guided Journals for Highly Sensitive People
- The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person’s Journal – by April Snow
- Wander and Delve: A Journal for Bright, Creative, Highly Sensitive People – by Lori L. Cangilla
- Everyday Journal for Highly Sensitive People by Lauren Stewart
HSP Masterclasses
Free Masterclasses for the Highly Sensitive Person
- Understanding High Sensitivity (plus Tools to Help You Thrive)
- High Sensitivity & Anxiety
- How to Set Healthy Boundaries (and Why it’s Essential for HSPs)
- Tools to Help the Sensitive Thrive in a Chaotic World
- Sensory Overload and the Highly Sensitive Person
- Reach Financial Freedom (Growing a Heart-Centered Online Business You Love)
People (HSP Coaches, Therapists & Mentors)
People Helping Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs)
- Elaine N. Aron, PhD – Researcher and Psychologist behind the term Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
- Julie Bjelland, LMFT – A Psychotherapist specializing in the HSP trait and creator of numerous HSP resources.
- Jules De Vitto – Transpersonal Coach and Founder of Highly Sensitive Humans
- Dr Tracy Cooper – Author, Advocate, and Consultant for High Sensory Intelligence Males.
- William Allen – Creator of The Sensitive Man blog, Author, and Advocate for Highly Sensitive Males
- Willow McIntosh – Founder of Inluminance and co-host of The HSP Podcast by Julie Bjelland
- Dr Judith Orloff – Creates Resources for Sensitive Empaths
- Jeannette Folan – Author, Coach, Educator, and Advocate for Highly Sensitive Persons and Empaths.
- Maureen Gaspari – Writer and Founder of Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child website.
- Tom Falkenstein – Psychologist, Psychotherapist, and Author of The Highly Sensitive Man.
- Jenn Granneman – Co-founder of Highly Sensitive Refuge and Co-author of Sensitive.
HSP Podcasts
Best Podcasts for the Highly Sensitive Person
P.S.: All podcast links below open on Spotify
- The HSP Podcast with Julie Bjelland
- Highly Sensitive, Happily Married by Hannah Brooks
- Unapologetically Sensitive by Patricia Young
- The Highly Sensitive Leader Podcast by Muriel Kosovsky
- Parent Your Highly Sensitive Child Like a Ninja with Meghan Thompson
- Parenting Your Sensitive Child with Julia McGarey
- The On-Call Empath with Raj Montage
- The EMpowering PATH Podcast with Jess Frost
- Soul-Sourced Business Podcast with Christine Kane
- The Sensitive and Soulful Show with Alissa Boyer
- The Highly Sensitive Humans Podcast by Jules De Vitto
HSP Quizzes
The Best Free Tests for the Highly Sensitive Person
- Are You a Highly Sensitive Person? HSP test by Elaine N. Aron, PhD
- Do You Have the Trait of High Sensitivity? Sensitivity Quiz by Julie Bjelland
- Are you a Sensation Seeker? The High Sensation Seeking Test by Dr. Elaine N. Aron
- Sensitivity Test for Adults – HSP Quiz by SensitivityResearch.Com for anyone above 18 years old
- Are You a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur? Free HSE Test by Heather Dominick of Business Miracles
- Is Your Child Highly Sensitive? Sensitivity Quiz for the Highly Sensitive Child (HSC) by Dr. Elaine N. Aron.
- Child Sensitivity Test by SensitivityResearch.Com. To be taken by children between 8 and 18 years of age.
- Test Your Child Sensitivity Test by SensitivityResearch.Com. To be taken by parents.
HSP Apps
Apps to Help You Sleep Better
- Sleep Cycle – records and analyzes your sleep stages and cycles to establish a pattern and wake you up at your lightest stage.
- Slumber – uses sleep meditations, soothing stories, music, and soundscapes to put you to sleep.
- Moshi – One of the best sleep apps for kids, but can also be used by highly sensitive adults.
- Relax Melodies – sleep better with a custom mix of meditations, breathing and relaxation techniques, sleep moves, and sleep sounds.
- The Sleepiest Sleep App – Similar to Sleep Cycle and Relax Melodies but only for iOS users.
- Reflectly – This one is for journaling enthusiasts. It acts as both a diary and a gratitude journal to help you vent and share your feelings.
- Recolor – Are you a fan of colouring books? This is the app version of your coloring book, if coloring helps you sleep.
- Relax and Sleep Well – Uses meditation and hypnosis to help you relax and sleep well, featuring sessions by Glenn Harrold – a renowned Hypnotherapist, Meditation Expert and Self-Help author.
- Digipill – Uses psychoacoustics to help you unlock your subconscious and change your perception. So you can reduce anxiety, stress, and insomnia.
Final Word on 127+ Highly Sensitive Person Resources
This list of 127+ Highly Sensitive Person resources is every resource you will find here on HSP Tools.
And as we continue to add to the HSP resources on this blog, we are also going to update this page to include the newer tools and resources for HSPs.
So please check back for more free and affordable resources for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). And if you have an entry you’d love to add to this list, leave it in the comments below.
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HSP Tools