The 40th HSP Gathering Retreat with Jacquelyn Strickland

Walker Creek Ranch

Jacquelyn Strickland is a retired psychotherapist working as a mentor and coach for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs). She co-created the HSP Gathering Retreats with Dr. Elaine N. Aron in 2001 and is now celebrating 24 years of this event. The HSP Gathering Retreat is now an annual meetup bringing together Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) worldwide...

$1174 – $1862

The Highly Sensitive Person Retreat – a 4-Day Event by Jules De Vitto

The Highly Sensitive Person Retreat is a 4-day event organized and hosted by Jules De Vitto and Dr. Geneveive Von Lob. The retreat will take place in June 2025 and is now open for booking. Here are the event details: What - a 4-day retreat in Selgars Mill Estate, Devon. When - 12th - 15th...

£597 – £927

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