Brooke Nielsen, LMFT

Brooke Nielsen, LMFT

Works as: Author, Coach, Therapist
Works with: All HSPs
Works in: English
Accessibility: Worldwide

Brooke Nielsen, LMFT is a qualified and experienced psychotherapist, author, and coach working with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) to help them overcome overwhelm and transform into a powerful, calm state.

She is also the founder of Intuitive Warrior – an online platform providing coaching and support courses to HSPs worldwide to help them finally see their profound gifts and turn their overwhelm into lives of dynamic calm and rich relationships.

Brooke Nielsen believes that unconditional acceptance and the right support have the power to transform us.

Go here to learn more about Brooke Nielsen.

HSP Resources by Brooke Nielsen, LMFT

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Cliff Harwin

Works as: Author, Coach, Entrepreneur
Works with: All HSPs
Works in: English
Accessibility: Worldwide

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