Jadzia Jagiellowicz, PhD

Jadzia Jagiellowicz, PhD

Profession: Researcher, Advisor, Author, ICHS
Audience: All HSPs
Languages: English, French
Accessibility: Worldwide

Dr. Jadzia Jagiellowicz is a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), author, researcher, expert advisor, and an International Consultant on High Sensitivity (ICHS).

She uses scientific findings to help HSPs understand how their High Sensitivity affects their career, relationships, parenting styles, and other areas of their lives.

Dr. Jadzia is one of the few HSP experts contributing to the research field and working in an advisory capacity. Her consulting services focus on issues like anxiety, stress, emotional regulation, and depression.

As an author, she co-wrote The Highly Sensitive Brain – the first handbook to cover the science, measurement, and clinical discussion of sensory processing sensitivity (SPS).

Visit Dr. Jadzia’s website to learn more about her research work of almost 20 years, explore available services, and get a free HSP profile. Her website is accessible in English and French.

The Mindful Living Bundle

HSP Resources by Jadzia Jagiellowicz, PhD

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