Patricia Young

Patricia Young

Profession: Coach, Podcast Host
Audience: All HSPs
Languages: English
Accessibility: Worldwide

Patricia Young is a former licensed social worker and HSP-competent therapist who now works as a coach for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) and Neurodivergent individuals.

She offers her expertise through one-on-one coaching sessions (phone or video), a group-based online program, and supervisory services for therapists who might need assistance.

Patricia Young is also the host of Unapologetically Sensitive – a leading podcast discussing the strengths of High Sensitivity and Neurodiversity.

The podcast features weekly episodes of either Patricia as a solo host, or with guest experts for insightful conversations and interviews.

“I provide a lot of information about HSPs, ADHD and Autism (depending on the client) since many people don’t realize that much of what they struggle with is related to how their brain is wired.” – Patricia Young, Coach & Podcast Host.

Visit her website here to learn how Patricia Young can help you as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).


HSP Resources by Patricia Young

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