The Adventures of Niko the Highly Sensitive Dog - Children's Book by Julie Bjelland & Carol Huckle

The Adventures of Niko the Highly Sensitive Dog - Children's Book by Julie Bjelland & Carol Huckle
Pricing: Paid
Format: Children's Book
About: High Sensitivity

Are you raising a Highly Sensitive Child (HSC) and looking for a children’s book highlighting and addressing your child’s daily sensitivities?

Julie Bjelland, a licensed psychotherapist specializing in High Sensitivity, and Carol Huckle, a facilitator inside the Sensitive Empowerment community, have partnered to bring you a new resource.

They have written and published The Adventures of Niko the Highly Sensitive Dog – a book series celebrating the beautiful qualities of Highly Sensitive and Neurodivergent children.

Book one of the series, The Magical Portal, is now available in Hardcover and Paperback through Amazon.

Young readers will see themselves in these whimsical characters, whether introverted, extroverted or somewhere in between. Follow Niko and his pals as they discover the joy of acceptance, belonging, and the life-long benefits of being unique.

– Book Description

The book is for children aged 4 to 9 years.

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