Willow McIntosh

Willow McIntosh

Works as: HSP Coach, Trainer
Works with: High Sensory People
Works in: English
Accessibility: Worldwide

Willow McIntosh founded Inluminance – a business dedicated to empowering people with High Sensory Intelligence to become the efficient leaders our world needs.

He is also the leader of the High Sensory Intelligence movement and the creator of the High Sensory Intelligence program for HSP coaches.

High Sensory Intelligence is what Willow McIntosh calls the trait of High Sensitivity. He also refers to Highly Sensitive People as High Sensory People (HSPs). So, if you see these terms and wonder if they’re different, know they mean the same thing.

In his work with HSPs, Willow McIntosh writes a blog on the Inluminance website, co-hosts The HSP Podcast with Julie Bjelland, and trains High Sensory People to unlock their power and become in-demand coaches.


HSP Resources by Willow McIntosh

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