Welcome to HSP Tools.

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

We would love to know what tips and tools you use to stay calm and thrive in your daily life. And then maybe, we too can try them and share the ones we love with readers of HSP Tools.

Because that’s what we do here at hsptools.com. we share the latest news, tips, tools and resources to help Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) live their best HSP lives.

Who We Are

At HSPTools.com, our pronouns are we, they and them. The website is run by a one-woman team, with an emphasis on the team.

This means that even though one person runs HSP Tools – an introverted Highly Sensitive Person with high sensation-seeking tendencies – we still identify as a collective.

What We Do

We start by scouring the web for free and affordable resources for highly sensitive people (HSPs). We then sort these resources to identify the most valuable of them all – at a pocket-friendly price, of course.

And then we publish the winning resources on the site and embark on a distribution process to reach HSPs wherever they are.

Why We Exist

HSP Tools exists to connect HSPs to all the wonderful resources available on the web. Because we understand, first-hand, how hard finding the answers and resources we seek can be.

And we want to make the process easier by availing all HSP tools and resources in one place.

Think of us as a market. Be it a farmers market, flea market, supermarket, e.t.c.

Markets provide a central place for owners to showcase their products and consumers to explore available products. Owners make money, and consumers meet their needs.

That’s what HSP Tools is – a market. Showcasing HSP products and services and inviting HSP consumers to browse and find what meets their needs.

And the latter is why we exist – to provide a space for struggling HSPs to find resources that empower them to live their best lives.

Next Steps

Now that you know about HSP Tools, I invite you to join me on this journey to create a one-stop library for HSP tips and resources.

And here are three ways you can join in.

  1. Contribute Content – There are two ways to contribute content at HSP Tools: Share Your Story, or Share a Resource. If you have one or both of these, feel free to reach out and contribute. (Use the contact form below)
  2. Join Our Newsletter – If you like the HSP tools and tips we share here on the website, sign up for our newsletter to receive updates twice a week.
  3. Buy Us a Coffee — It takes long hours to search and curate available resources for HSPs. If you love what we do and would love to offer monetary support, send us a donation. It will help to keep the lights on here at HSP Tools.

And that’s pretty much what there is to know about HSP Tools. If you have any questions or would love to say hi, use this contact form below to get in touch.

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