Highly Sensitive Person Coaching Course (September 2024) - by The Highly Sensitive Human Academy

Highly Sensitive Person Coaching Course (September 2024) - by The Highly Sensitive Human Academy
Format: Online Course
About: HSP Coaching

The Highly Sensitive Human Academy is offering an online Professional Training program on How to Coach Highly Sensitive People starting Sept 9th, 2024.

This unique course offers an integrative and embodied approach to coaching HSPs, drawing on psychological and spiritual perspectives to empower Highly Sensitive clients.

The training will offer you the skills, mindset and confidence to thrive in your work with Highly Sensitive People, by teaching you mindfulness, trauma-informed & compassion-focused approaches.

The course is accredited by the International Association of Coaches, Therapists and Mentors (IACTM) and you’ll not only learn the fundamental skills needed to coach Highly Sensitive People, but you’ll join a community, receive certification and be listed on a directory for Professional HSP Coaches.

Spaces on the course are limited, and only a few scholarships are available for those who require financial support to join the course.

Visit this page to learn more, apply for the scholarship, and enrol in the online course.


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