Is Your Child Highly Sensitive? Free HSC Test by Dr. Elaine N. Aron

Is Your Child Highly Sensitive? Free HSC Test by Dr. Elaine N. Aron
Pricing: Free
Format: Assessment Test
About: Highly Sensitive Children (HSCs)

Is your child showing signs of being Highly Sensitive but are unsure if they have the High Sensitivity trait?

Dr. Elaine N. Aron has a test on her website to assess your Highly Sensitive Child (HSC). The test presents 23 statements and a checkbox adjacent to each statement.

The instructions for taking the self-test are as follows:

Check the box if the statement is true or at least moderately true of your child, or was for a substantial time in the past. Leave unchecked if it has not been true of your child, or was never true.

Go here to take the test!

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