The HSP Toolbox: Holistic Tools to Calm a Sensitive Nervous System

The HSP Toolbox: Holistic Tools to Calm a Sensitive Nervous System
Format: Self-Paced Program
About: Sensory Overload

The HSP Toolbox is an 8-week online program teaching Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) holistic tools to help calm a nervous system.

It’s taught by Julie Bjelland, LMFT – a top HSP Psychotherapist, and is one of the most comprehensive online courses you will come across.

The program teaches over 30 tools and techniques, including HSP-specific breathing exercises, guided meditations, grounding practices, and more.

Enrolling in The HSP Toolbox includes eight weeks of free access to the Sensitive Empowerment Community.

Use code FIFTYTOOLS to get 50% off.

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