No More Burnout - Training Kit for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs

No More Burnout - Training Kit for Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs
Format: Training Kit
About: Burnout Prevention

Do you struggle with burnout as a Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur (HSE)? Would you like to learn how to leave the struggle behind and create balance in your life and business?

In the No More Burnout training kit, Heather Dominick of Business Miracles teaches HSEs to prioritize their attention for aligned productivity and avoid burnout.

The training kit includes the following:

— audio trainings with transcripts

— valuable tools to help you focus on what matters most

— a transformation assignment with practical steps to create and maintain balance and harmony in your daily life

— a $500 voucher towards the Highly Sensitive Leadership Training Program

Go here to learn more about No More Burnout.

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