Meet Julie Bjelland – Psychotherapist Specializing in High Sensitivity

Meet Julie Bjelland - HSP Psychotherapist

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As part of our list of resources for highly sensitive people, we have a section featuring notable people doing notable work around the trait of high sensitivity.

One of these notable people is Julie Bjelland. And she’s created several free and paid resources for HSPs.

Let’s Meet Julie

Julie Bjelland is a Licensed Psychotherapist specializing in the trait of High Sensitivity. She’s a highly sensitive Empath on a mission to ‘create a paradigm shift where sensitivity is embraced, valued, and honoured.’

And she does this by offering resources that empower, inspire, and educate HSPs.

Julie Bjelland’s Resources for Highly Sensitive People

Julie Bjelland + HSP Resources by Julie

There are a ton of resources for highly sensitive people under Julie’s name. We’ll try to link to as many as possible. If and when you see a resource not linked, please visit Julie’s website to find the resource.

Free Resources for Highly Sensitive People

1. Free Masterclasses

Julie has created a series of masterclasses designed to help HSPs balance their sensitive nervous system and thrive. At the time of writing this, there are five masterclasses available for registration. 

  • How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Why it’s Essential for Wellness as an HSP

This free masterclass is for anyone who feels guilty saying NO and who struggles with disappointing people, so much that they give up their own needs. Register here.

  • High Sensitivity and Anxiety

With this masterclass, Julie explores why anxiety is so high in highly sensitive people and shares tools and resources to help HSPs reduce anxiety naturally. Learn more here.

  • Reach Financial Freedom: Growing a Heart-Centered Online Business You Love

This masterclass is exactly what it sounds like. Julie teaches and shares what she did to create a thriving online business that helps people and gives her financial freedom. And how struggling HSP healers can mirror her success. Register here.

  • Sensory Overload and the Highly Sensitive Person

If you’ve been labelled “too sensitive” or “overly emotional”, this free masterclass is for you. It will teach you more about Sensory Overload and how it impacts your life as a highly sensitive person. And also help you to answer the question, “why am I so sensitive”. Learn more here.

  • Tools to Help the Sensitive Thrive in a Chaotic World

You probably already know what this masterclass is about. It teaches highly sensitive people (HSPs) the tools that work to calm a sensitive nervous system. Tools that many HSPs, including Julie, have used successfully to achieve a state of calm. Learn more here.

2. Letter to Give Practitioners

Highly Sensitive people are often misdiagnosed when they go to seek mental health and medical services. Because not everyone understands the trait of high sensitivity or the fact that it exists.

And to avoid this scenario, Julie has written a letter explaining the trait and it’s available on her website as a free download.

3. Sensitivity Quiz

Don’t know or aren’t sure if you have the trait of high sensitivity? Based on the original HSP quiz by Dr Elaine N. Aron, Julie has created a simple and in-depth quiz to help you out.

4. The HSP Blog

Julie writes informational articles on issues that HSPs struggle with and publishes them on her HSP blog. The articles are full of research, tools, and perspectives on living life as an empowered HSP. And occasionally, she will publish a guest post.

5. HSP Podcast

If you prefer to listen to podcasts over reading blog posts, Julie has you covered. She hosts a weekly HSP podcast where she does meditations, invites guests, and co-hosts with Willow McIntosh – founder of Inluminance.

6. HSP Directories

Julie knows how hard it is to find the right people when you need them. So she’s created 4 directories so far and made them available to all HSPs visiting her website, at no cost. The directories are as follows:

  • HSP Practitioners Directory – Find a list of mental health and medical health professionals, Coaches, Healers and Educators who understand the trait of high sensitivity.
  • HSP-Owned Business Directory – Want to support or hire a business owned by an HSP? Julie has a list of such businesses. And if you’re the business owner, you too can join the list.
  • HSP Guests to Interview – Writing an article or blog post on HSPs and need an expert’s opinion? Looking for your next HSP guest for your podcast or webinar? Julie has a list!
  • HSP Dating Directory – If you’re an HSP looking to date another HSP and aren’t sure where to start? Julie has a free directory for that.

Paid Resources for Highly Sensitive People by Julie Bjelland

7. Books and Journals

Julie has created several books and journals to help HSPs thrive to their fullest potential. They’re as follows:

  • The Empowered Highly Sensitive Person – In this book, Julie teaches How to Harness Your Sensitivity into Strength in a Chaotic World
  • Imagine Life with a Well-Behaved Dog – This is a book with a 3-Step positive dog-training program. Julie loves animals, and if you’re like her and want to train your dog, you’re going to love this book.
  • Positives Journal – This journal is a companion workbook for Julie’s course on Brain Training for the Highly Sensitive Person.
  • Challenges and Growth Journal – This is also a companion workbook for Julie’s Brain Training course.
  • How I appreciate You Journal – This particular journal is for you and your partner. The two of you take turns writing what you appreciate and love about each other.
  • Gratitude Journal – This journal is for you. In it, Julie wants you to write 3 things you feel grateful for every single day. Because doing so activates centres in the brain that build up your mood.
  • Rainbow Journal – This one celebrates LGBTQ+ and it comes with lined pages on one side for writing, and blank pages on the other for drawing.

8. Courses

There are four courses to Julie’s name. And they include the following:

  • HSP Brain Training – According to Julie, HSPs have particular brain differences that make you susceptible to high stress, overwhelm, and anxiety. In this course, Julie teaches how to train your brain to reduce anxiety and overwhelming emotions.
  • Blooming Brilliantly – This course is about understanding and loving who you are as a sensitive person. In it, Julie teaches you how to set healthy boundaries, advocate for your needs, protect your energy, grow more self-compassion and self-love, and improve relationships.
  • Grow Your Heart-Centered Online Business – In this course, Julie teaches what helped her grow a dream online business that helps people throughout the world. So you can also feel empowered to start and grow an online business as an HSP.
  • The HSP Toolbox – This course shares holistic tools to calm a sensitive nervous system. Because as many HSPs know, having a sensitive nervous system in a world not set up for high sensitivity can be highly challenging. And Julie wants to share with you the tools that work for her and other HSPs.

9. Sensitive Empowerment Community

Julie’s Sensitive Empowerment Community is a place for HSPs to ask questions, get support, learn about the trait, and find true personal empowerment. The community offers training, gives access to private groups, and hosts guest presenters.

To join the community, you’ll need to pay a monthly fee starting at $14.99.

In the End

We’re almost sure we left out some of Julie’s resources. Because they’re many, and it’s hard to keep track of all of them. Only she can.

So please find Julie Bjelland and all her resources on her website here, Instagram here, YouTube here, Facebook here, and Twitter here. And if you have a resource by Julie you’d like to add to this list, do so in the comments section.


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