Free 5-Day Program to Embrace Your Sensitivity - Email Series by Christie Rosen

Free 5-Day Program to Embrace Your Sensitivity - Email Series by Christie Rosen
Format: Email Series
About: Embracing High Sensitivity

Would you like to learn to embrace your sensitivity and use it to thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)?

Do you lack the budget to pay for a monthly membership, take an online course, or buy the Empowered Sensitive Soul eBook for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs)?

If Yes, Christie Rosen – a certified Wellness Coach and registered Yoga Instructor – teaches a 5-day email series to help HSPs embrace their sensitivity through 10-minute lessons.

The series focuses on the following five topics:

  • Day 1 – Slowing down and relaxing into life
  • Day 2 – Ways to find balance 
  • Day 3 – Cultivating self-love
  • Day 4 – Trusting yourself 
  • Day 5 – Letting go of limiting beliefs and a special bonus!

Go here to learn more and sign up for the series.

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