Meet Jules De Vitto – Founder of Highly Sensitive Humans

Jules De Vitto, Highly Sensitive Humans

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As part of our lists of resources for highly sensitive people (HSPs), we have a section featuring people helping HSPs around the world. We’ve previously featured Julie Bjelland, Jenn Granneman, Dr. Elaine N. Aron, and Dr. Judith Orloff. And in today’s post, we’d like to feature Jules De Vitto.

We’ll look at who she is and what she does. And then share her collection of free and paid HSP resources.

Let’s Meet Jules

Jules De Vitto is a Transpersonal Coach based in London and the founder of Highly Sensitive Humans. In her own words, Jules helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life.

So if you’re an HSP looking to reduce overwhelm and find your true purpose in life, Jules De Vitto can help. She uses mindfulness and a transpersonal-oriented approach to support highly sensitive people around the world.

And in case you’re wondering, transpersonal-oriented or transpersonal coaching means relating to the spiritual aspects of human life.

Jules has a Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness and Spirituality. She’s also a meditation teacher on Insight Timer – a free app for sleep, anxiety, and sleep. And she’s a published author, too.

Learn more about Jules on her website here.

HSP Resources by Jules De Vitto

Meet Jules De Vitto of Highly Sensitive Humans

Now that we know who Jules De Vitto is, let’s take a look at some of her HSP resources.

1. Free HSP Quiz

Based on the extensive research by Dr. Elaine Aron, Jules has created a free HSP quiz with 21 questions. The questions require you to choose between two responses: True or False. Each question is timed between 20-25 seconds, and once it times out, you’re prompted to proceed to the next question.

This means you’ll need to not be doing anything else when taking the quiz.

The downside of taking this quiz might be the fact that you’ll be required to subscribe to Jules De Vitto’s newsletter in order to know how you score.

Take the Quiz here

2. The Highly Sensitive Humans Podcast

With 23 episodes so far, the Highly Sensitive Humans podcast aims to offer insight into the world of the Highly Sensitive Person. Jules is the host of the podcast, alongside with guest experts she invites for interviews on topics of her choosing.

The podcast hopes to help people with the high sensitivity trait feel more empowered and resilient without denying their authentic gifts. Her latest episode is on Spiritual Awakening Experiences with Jessica Corneille.

Listen to the podcast here.

3. The Blog

Alongside her coaching practice, workshops, website, and podcast, Jules De Vitto also shares her knowledge on a blog. The blog is part of her Highly Sensitive Humans website, and while she doesn’t post regularly, the blog is host to great HSP content.

Her latest blog post, published on January 6th, is on How to Connect with Your Innate Gifts as a Highly Sensitive Person.

Read Jules De Vitto’s blog.

4. YouTube Channel

If you prefer to learn through YouTube videos as opposed to podcasts and blog posts, you’re going to love this free resource. Jules De Vitto shares at least 2 videos every month, offering free teaching around different HSP topics.

Her recent video teaching, for instance, is on “Non-Violent Communication for Highly Sensitive People”. We’ve embedded it below to give you a glimpse of Jules’ teachings on YouTube.

Visit Jules’ YouTube Channel

5. Facebook Community

With over 1.5K members, the Highly Sensitive Humans Facebook group is a community for HSPs looking to step into their authentic power. As an HSP, you’ll feel at home if you’re looking to reframe sensitivity, reclaim your unique gifts, and remember your soul purpose.

Because that’s what Jules De Vitto aims to help HSPs do. And it reflects deep into this Facebook Community.

Go to Jules’ Facebook Group

6. Online Course

Free HSP resources are great! But just as good things must come to an end, free HSP resources have their limit. And where they end, there is where paid HSP resources begin.

Jules’ 8-week online course for highly sensitive people comes at a fee and starts on March 7th, 2022.

The course will share access to an abundance of resources, meditations, workbooks, group and 1:1 coaching, and community support. It will also host live workshops with guest speakers like Willow McIntosh, Leah Tarleton, and Lana Sackwild, among others.

With this online course, Jules De Vitto hopes to teach HSPs around the world “How to Live an Empowered Life & Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person”.

Learn more about the course here.

In the End

We’ve told you who Jules De Vitto is, and what she does, and gone ahead to share some of her many HSP resources. Now we hope you’ll find something useful for your Highly Sensitive Person journey. 

Because as the old saying goes: “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together.”

Jules’ free HSP quiz, blog, podcast, YouTube Channel, Facebook Community, and online course provide great tools for your HSP journey. They’re a constant reminder that you’re not alone and you don’t have to walk this sensitive journey alone.

So let us know what you think about Jules De Vitto and her library of free and paid HSP resources.


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