Grieving Hidden Losses - a Singularly Sensitive Workbook for Highly Sensitive People

Grieving Hidden Losses - a Singularly Sensitive Workbook for Highly Sensitive People
Format: Workbook
About: Grief, Loss

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) grieving a loss that’s not so obvious to other people? Or do you think you need more time to overcome a loss and can’t understand why it’s taking so long? 

According to Lori L. Cangilla, PhD, 

As Highly Sensitive People, our capacities for love and for grief are vast. Yet we may need tools to explore and work with our grief.

The Grieving Hidden Loss workbook is one such tool. It uses journal prompts and informative messaging to help Highly Sensitive people (HSPs) process their grief.

You can print the workbook to fill it in offline or import it into your favourite journaling app.

Go here to get the 16-page workbook.

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