42 Quotes by Jenn Granneman about Highly Sensitive People

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If you’re a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), you’ve probably been told at some point that you’re “too sensitive” or that you “feel too much.” 

But those words couldn’t be further from the truth. Sensitivity is not a weakness; it’s a superpower. 

Jenn Granneman, founder of Introvert, Dear, co-founder of Highly Sensitive Refuge and co-author of Sensitive: The Hidden Power of the Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast, Too-Much World, beautifully captures the experience of being Highly Sensitive, offering insights into the challenges and gifts of this trait. 

Whether you’re new to understanding your sensitivity or seeking validation, these Highly Sensitive People quotes will remind you that being sensitive is something to embrace, not hide.

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Jenn Granneman Quotes About Sensitivity as a Superpower

Jenn Granneman frequently reframes sensitivity as a unique strength, a superpower that allows HSPs to connect deeply with the world around them. 

Here are the quotes that celebrate sensitivity as a powerful and transformative trait:

1. “Too sensitive” is a superpower that makes insensitive people uncomfortable.

2. Being sensitive doesn’t mean you’re weak. It means you’re beautifully in tune with the world around you. Your sensitivity is a special radar that picks up so many little things. Sure, sometimes it feels like too much — but your sensitivity is also a superpower.

3. Don’t let anyone tell you that sensitivity is a weakness. It takes immense strength and courage to navigate this often callous world with deep emotions and an empathetic heart.

4. Don’t be fooled by the stereotype. Sensitivity isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. Being deeply in tune with your emotions and your environment can help you navigate life with empathy and power.

5. Sensitive people possess superpowers that include deep empathy, intuition, and emotional intelligence. Their ability to read people and situations is unparalleled, making them great leaders, partners, and friends. Stop seeing sensitivity as weak and start celebrating it!

6. Because the sensitive mind is wired to go deep, sensitivity is often linked to brilliance. Sensitive people notice details, make more connections between topics, and don’t give up easily, which often leads to better solutions and more creative artwork and ideas.

7. Too often, we think of sensitivity as a flaw or a weakness. Society tells sensitive people to “toughen up” or “stop being so sensitive!” The truth is that sensitivity is a gift and an advantage in life.

Sensitive People Quotes About Emotional Depth and Empathy

8. Highly Sensitive People feel things deeply, from the weight of the world to the beauty within it. Granneman highlights how this emotional depth is both a gift and a responsibility:

9. Sensitive people have a special gift: they experience emotions deeply. This profound connection to the world around them can help them create art that resonates on a deep level, whether it’s painting, writing, or music. Their art isn’t just seen or heard — it’s felt.

10. Sensitive people feel the weight of the world, absorbing emotions like sponges, and sometimes, it can really hurt. But sensitive people also feel joy more passionately and give compassion more generously. When we love, it is deep and enduring.

11. Sensitive people aren’t “too emotional” or “overreacting.” They possess the ability to feel deeply and observe keenly, sparking creativity, empathy, and insight. They aren’t broken — they have a gift. Treasure the sensitive people in your life.

12. Highly Sensitive People see the world not just with their eyes, but also with their hearts. Sure, they can be hurt easily, and those wounds can run deep. But they also love and inspire others like no one else can.

13. Sensitive people are usually very aware of their own emotions. They pay close attention to how they feel and think about it later. They can also understand how others feel and empathise with them. These are just a few of their many superpowers.

14. If you’re sensitive, your deep emotionality is why you’re an exceptional listener, why people naturally trust you, and why you’re probably the go-to confidant when anyone in your friend group needs advice.

15. Sensitive people feel their emotions strongly, whether it be joy or grief. While it can be tough, it’s important to honour their emotional depth. We need to banish the idea that it’s not OK to show our feelings and create a world that prioritises empathy and support for all.

Jenn Granneman Quotes About the Challenges of Sensitivity

Being highly sensitive isn’t always easy. From dealing with overstimulation to navigating relationships, Granneman sheds light on the struggles HSPs face and how they can be managed:

16. Sensitivity is often treated like a problem to be fixed. But being sensitive doesn’t mean you’re weak or easily breakable. It means you feel and experience things on a deep level… including other people’s bullshit.

17. Sensitive people might get overwhelmed by loud or intense situations, and others might not understand why. It’s helpful when friends or family see when a sensitive person is feeling too much and say, “It’s okay to take a break.” Having people who get them makes a big difference.

18. For sensitive people, feeling overstimulated is normal. Instead of beating yourself up when you feel overwhelmed, remember that your brain is doing what it does best: going deep. Focus on the positive aspects of your sensitivity and remind yourself that it’s OK to take breaks.

19. Sensitive people need downtime not because they’re weak, but because they experience life in high definition. Breaks are key to processing the world’s vibrant colours, intricate patterns, and profound emotions. Embrace the quiet; it’s where the magic of deep understanding happens.

20. If you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, downtime is non-negotiable. It’s not about being lazy or avoiding responsibilities. It’s about giving yourself the space to recharge your energy and process your emotions and experiences.

21. If you’re a sensitive person, your emotions can feel overwhelming at times. You may worry that your reactions are “too big” or not justified. Instead of trying to suppress or ignore your emotions, hear their messages. Don’t act on every message, but listen and consider it.

22. Change can be especially stressful for sensitive people, who feel more deeply and pick up on subtle cues in their environment. Make self-care a priority and find healthy ways to manage the stress, whether that’s through exercise, therapy, or building in extra downtime.

Highly Sensitive People Quotes About Creativity and Purpose

Jenn Granneman also recognizes that many sensitive people are driven by a need for creativity and meaning in life. 

Their depth of feeling often manifests in artistic expression and a desire to make the world a better place:

23. Sensitive people are driven by an internal quest for meaning. When something doesn’t feel right, it can be difficult for them to push through and just “do it anyway.”

24. Sensitivity often goes hand in hand with creativity. The same depth of feeling that sometimes makes the world overwhelming also fuels creative energy. Sensitive souls have a rich inner life that often manifests in art, writing, or music.

25. Sensitive people crave a deep sense of meaning in their lives. They want to make a difference and live a purposeful life. This desire drives them to pursue their passions and make a positive impact on the world around them.

26. Sensitive people may once have been our weather predictors, spiritual advisers, and trackers. Take that same trait and apply it to a teacher, a stock market trader, or a CEO, and you can see how sensitive people are still built to thrive today — even if society doesn’t think so.

27. Although society thinks sensitivity is a flaw, it’s actually an asset. Sensitive people are artists, leaders, and creators who think outside the box.

Jenn Granneman Quotes About Relationships and Boundaries

Relationships can be both fulfilling and challenging for Highly Sensitive People, as they often give deeply but can also be vulnerable to manipulation. 

Jenn highlights the importance of setting boundaries and being mindful of one’s emotional energy:

28. You’ll never be seen as “too sensitive” by someone who respects your feelings.

29. If you’re a sensitive person, you have a special ability: you love deeply. Sometimes this leads to pain, because not everyone can match your level of caring and intimacy. In a world that is often harsh, protect your heart and choose your inner circle wisely.

30. Sensitive people build strong and meaningful relationships. They understand emotions well and can often tell what others are feeling even without them saying it. They tend to be kind and supportive, which makes people feel emotionally safe with them.

31. As a sensitive person, your empathy can be a double-edged sword. Narcissists often exploit it for their own benefit, leaving you feeling used and unable to express your feelings and set boundaries. If you’ve ever experienced this, you may have been with a narcissist.

32. Being a sensitive person can make you more vulnerable to narcissists, who exploit empathy for their own gain. If you’ve ever felt used or unable to assert your needs, rights, or boundaries in a relationship, you may have been with a narcissist without realizing it.

33. Narcissists are drawn to sensitive people because they crave the validation, attention, and support that sensitive people naturally provide. However, this dynamic will drain and damage the sensitive person. Know the signs of narcissism and protect yourself.

General Sensitive People Quotes by Jenn Granneman

These quotes don’t fit neatly into the previous categories but offer important insights into sensitivity and the broader experience of being an HSP:

34. It’s OK to cry. It’s OK to feel things deeply. Let yourself feel how you feel. You’re a sensitive person.

35. Here’s to the sensitive souls. To the observers, the empaths, the hearts-on-their-sleeves. You who go through life noticing and feeling more, which is both a gift and a challenge. Embrace your sensitivity because the world needs you.

36. Being a sensitive person is like having a super sharp ear in a noisy crowd. Although sometimes it’s painful, you can hear faint sounds and whispers that others don’t catch.

37. “You’re too sensitive” is a harmful phrase that invalidates the experiences of sensitive people. Emotions are valid and should never be dismissed as weakness. Let’s create a world that celebrates emotional depth and empathy, and reject toxic narratives that shame vulnerability.

38. Sensitive people crave meaning in their relationships. Often, they are masters of connecting with others and creating emotional intimacy. In a time when society is more divided than ever before, they seek to draw us closer to one another.

39. If you are a sensitive person, your body and mind respond more to the world around you. You respond more to heartbreak, pain, and loss, but you also respond more to beauty, new ideas, and joy.

40. For sensitive people, a little support can go a long way. A kind word, a listening ear, or a safe space can make all the difference for them. Let’s show compassion and understanding for those who experience the world differently.

41. Sensitive people are often misunderstood as fragile, when in reality they possess an incredible strength and resilience. Their ability to feel deeply, reflect, and overcome life’s challenges is a testament to their true inner power.

42. All humans are sensitive to some degree. There are times when all of us cry, get our feelings hurt, or reflect deeply on life. But some individuals are more responsive to their surroundings and experiences than others are. These are the Highly Sensitive People.

Final Word on Sensitive People Quotes by Jenn Granneman

As Jenn Granneman reminds us, being highly sensitive is not something to hide or apologize for. Instead, it’s a gift to be embraced. 

Sensitivity allows you to connect deeply, love fully, and understand the world in a way others cannot. 

So the next time you feel like your sensitivity is “too much,” remember that it’s exactly what makes you strong and special. The world needs more of the depth, empathy, and insight that you bring to it.

P.S.: These quotes are from Jenn Granneman’s X account. Follow her here.


with love and kindness,

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