HSP Masterclasses: An In-depth Guide to Free Masterclasses for Highly Sensitive People

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Free HSP Masterclasses are a great way to dive deep into a particular topic. These classes are sometimes also called webinars, workshops, video events, or however the creator and host prefer.

And when you’re a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), the topics in these free classes for HSPs could include grief, anxiety, depression, people-pleasing, setting boundaries, burnout, and sensory overload, among many others.

In this in-depth guide, find ten free HSP masterclasses to help you better understand how to deal with significant issues affecting you as a Highly Sensitive Person.

Not only to understand but also to equip you with the necessary tools to help you live your best HSP life.

10 Free HSP Masterclasses You Can Take Today

Blog graphic for Free HSP Masterclasses you can take today.

1. Understanding the Highly Sensitive Person

This class is more of a talk than a masterclass, but the goal is the same – to educate HSPs about their trait of High Sensitivity. So, according to us, it counts as a free HSP masterclass.

The talk is by Alane Freund – a licensed therapist and International Consultant on High Sensitivity (ICHS). It’s about 46 minutes long and dives deep into explaining what being a Highly Sensitive Person means.

 P.S.: After watching this video, explore Alane Freund’s YouTube channel. She has plenty of HSP videos talking about various topics.

2. High Sensitivity and Anxiety

Created by Julie Bjelland – a Psychotherapist specializing in High Sensitivity, this free HSP masterclass will help you understand the following:

  • Why anxiety is so high in Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) 
  • How to reduce anxiety and thrive to your fullest potential
  • The brain differences that make an HSP more susceptible to anxiety issues.

And it will also introduce you to one of Julie’s online courses for HSPs – Brain Training for the Highly Sensitive Person.

3. Are you Truly Anxious or a Highly Sensitive Person?

For most Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), anxiety is the number 1 complaint that puts them at a painful disadvantage. 

And it makes perfect sense that HSPs would feel anxious living in a world designed by and for the 70 – 80% who are NOT highly sensitive.

In this free one-hour class by Alane Freund, discover three key insights you’re often overwhelmed and how to use your High Sensitivity as an asset in your everyday life.

4. How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Why It’s Essential for Wellness as an HSP

Do you struggle to set boundaries? You’re not alone. Setting boundaries is one of the most common struggles among Highly Sensitive People (HSPs).

HSPs often struggle to set boundaries and yet it is essential for our wellbeing. We experience the world differently and therefore have a specific set of needs that we must prioritize.

— Julie Bjelland

And that’s why Julie teaches this free one-hour class. She wants you to learn why boundaries are crucial for an HSP to thrive, why you struggle to set them, and how best to set boundaries that honour your needs.

This webinar is one of five free HSP masterclasses by Julie Bjelland.

5. The Highly Sensitive Person and Childhood Trauma

Patrick Teahan is a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) and a childhood trauma specialist. He runs a private practice and loves educating and discussing the dysfunctional family system and recovery. 

And as part of his many educational videos on YouTube, we discovered this 36-minute teaching on Childhood Trauma and the Highly Sensitive Person.

So if this is a topic you would like to explore, Patrick dives deep into the fundamentals and shares more tools and resources to help.

6. Tools to Help the Sensitive Thrive in a Chaotic World

Imagine having a toolbox with everything you need to thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person. A toolbox with all the resources to help calm a sensitive nervous system.

Would you want to have such a toolbox?

This free HSP masterclasses is also by Julie Bjelland, and it introduces you to her bestselling course -The HSP Toolbox. And then goes on to share some of these tools and how they can help HSPs thrive.

7. Being an Empath Today

Are you a Highly Sensitive Empath?

In this empowering free webinar, Dr. Judith Orloff discusses the exceptional gifts of high sensitivity that empaths can access by staying centred and grounded.

The following is what you will learn when you take the free class:

  • How to protect your sensitivities – If you struggle with absorbing the stress and suffering in the world, learn to ground yourself, set boundaries, and healthily hold space for others.
  • The power of nature – Dr. Orloff discusses the special connection empaths share with nature as a source of replenishment.
  •  Empaths make great leaders – Learn how your deep sensitivity and ability to lead from the heart sets you up to become a great leader for tomorrow.

8. Sensory Overload and the Highly Sensitive Person

Sensory overload tends to be one of our biggest challenges as HSPs. It is when our senses take in more information than our brain can keep up with processing. 

And you might be surprised that it is often the culprit of symptoms of emotional reactivity, anxiety, irritability, sleep issues, exhaustion, and even loss of productivity, creativity, and focus. 

In this free class, learn how Sensory Overload affects you as an HSP and unlock solutions to help you thrive to your fullest potential.

9. Self-Care Workshop for Highly Sensitive People

This workshop is hosted by April Snow – a licensed Psychotherapist working with Highly Sensitive Introverts and Therapists. It is one of the hour-long free HSP masterclasses on this list.

It shares relaxation and self-reflection exercises to help you unwind the overwhelm and feel more relaxed. And after registering for the class, you also get a workbook to help you retain the lessons.

The following is what you will learn:

  • Why HSP folks need downtime, hobbies, and restorative self-care
  • What purpose self-care needs to serve for HSPs to feel more fulfilled and less overwhelmed
  • Common obstacles to taking care of yourself and how to prioritize your needs more often
  • Mindfulness and self-reflection techniques to use when you’re feeling frazzled

Take the free masterclass on self-care to learn more.

10. Growing a Heart-Centered Online Business You Love

According to Julie Bjelland, a Psychotherapist specializing in High Sensitivity, many gifted HSP healers struggle financially. Yet, the potential for financial freedom in such online businesses is high.

This free HSP masterclass teaches you the techniques Julie has used to grow a thriving online business. It will show you the mistakes most entrepreneurs make, the tips and tricks to implement, and the resources you need on your business journey.

And this is the only business-oriented class in this list of free HSP masterclasses. So if one of your goals this year is to start or grow an online business, consider taking this class.

Final Word on Free HSP Masterclasses

These free HSP masterclasses will help you learn more about your unique experiences as a Highly Sensitive Person. They cover essential issues affecting HSPs, such as anxiety, sensory overload, boundaries, childhood trauma, and overwhelm.

And their purpose is to help you overcome common challenges so you can thrive fully as a Highly Sensitive Person.

So pick the HSP masterclass that speaks to you most and then move on to the next or dive deeper into the online courses or membership programs related to that topic.

P.S.: We are continually adding to our list of HSP resources. So if you know of or are the host of a free class that should be part of this list, email us or comment below.


More HSP Resource Guides:

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